Package 'AcceptReject'

Title: Acceptance-Rejection Method for Generating Pseudo-Random Observations
Description: Provides a function that implements the acceptance-rejection method in an optimized manner to generate pseudo-random observations for discrete or continuous random variables. Proposed by von Neumann J. (1951), <>, the function is optimized to work in parallel on Unix-based operating systems and performs well on Windows systems. The acceptance-rejection method implemented optimizes the probability of generating observations from the desired random variable, by simply providing the probability function or probability density function, in the discrete and continuous cases, respectively. Implementation is based on references CASELLA, George at al. (2004) <>, NEAL, Radford M. (2003) <> and Bishop, Christopher M. (2006, ISBN: 978-0387310732).
Authors: Pedro Rafael D. Marinho [aut, cre] , Vera Lucia Damasceno Tomazella [ctb]
Maintainer: Pedro Rafael D. Marinho <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 0.1.2
Built: 2025-02-19 05:45:31 UTC

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Acceptance-Rejection Method


This function implements the acceptance-rejection method for generating random numbers from a given probability density function (pdf).


  n = 1L,
  continuous = TRUE,
  f = NULL,
  args_f = NULL,
  f_base = NULL,
  random_base = NULL,
  args_f_base = NULL,
  xlim = NULL,
  c = NULL,
  parallel = FALSE,
  cores = NULL,
  warning = TRUE,



The number of random numbers to generate.


A logical value indicating whether the pdf is continuous or discrete. Default is TRUE.


The probability density function (continuous = TRUE), in the continuous case or the probability mass function, in the discrete case (continuous = FALSE).


A list of arguments to be passed to the f function. It refers to the list of arguments of the target distribution.


Base probability density function (for continuous case).If f_base = NULL, a uniform distribution will be used. In the discrete case, this argument is ignored, and a uniform probability mass function will be used as the base.


Random number generation function for the base distribution passed as an argument to f_base. If random_base = NULL (default), the uniform generator will be used. In the discrete case, this argument is disregarded, and the uniform random number generator function will be used.


A list of arguments for the base distribution. This refers to the list of arguments that will be passed to the function f_base. It will be disregarded in the discrete case.


A vector specifying the range of values for the random numbers in the form c(min, max). Default is c(0, 100).


A constant value used in the acceptance-rejection method. If NULL, c will be estimated automatically.


A logical value indicating whether to use parallel processing for generating random numbers. Default is FALSE.


The number of cores to be used in parallel processing. Default is NULL, i.e, all available cores.


A logical value indicating whether to show warnings. Default is TRUE.


Additional arguments to be passed to the optimize(). With this argument, it is possible to change the tol argument of optimize(). Default is ⁠tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25)⁠.


In situations where we cannot use the inversion method (situations where it is not possible to obtain the quantile function) and we do not know a transformation that involves a random variable from which we can generate observations, we can use the acceptance and rejection method. Suppose that XX and YY are random variables with probability density function (pdf) or probability function (pf) ff and gg, respectively. In addition, suppose that there is a constant cc such that

f(x)cg(x),xR.f(x) \leq c \cdot g(x), \quad \forall x \in \mathbb{R}.

for all values of tt, with f(t)>0f(t)>0. To use the acceptance and rejection method to generate observations from the random variable XX, using the algorithm below, first find a random variable YY with pdf or pf gg, that satisfies the above condition.

Algorithm of the Acceptance and Rejection Method:

1 - Generate an observation yy from a random variable YY with pdf/pf gg;

2 - Generate an observation uu from a random variable UU(0,1)U\sim \mathcal{U} (0, 1);

3 - If u<f(y)cg(y)u < \frac{f(y)}{cg(y)} accept x=yx = y; otherwise reject yy as an observation of the random variable XX and return to step 1.

Proof: Let's consider the discrete case, that is, XX and YY are random variables with pf's ff and gg, respectively. By step 3 of the above algorithm, we have that accept=x=y=u<f(y)cg(y){accept} = {x = y} = u < \frac{f(y)}{cg(y)}. That is,

P(acceptY=y)=P(acceptY=y)g(y)=P(Uf(y)/cg(y))×g(y)g(y)=f(y)cg(y).P(accept | Y = y) = \frac{P(accept \cap {Y = y})}{g(y)} = \frac{P(U \leq f(y)/cg(y)) \times g(y)}{g(y)} = \frac{f(y)}{cg(y)}.

Hence, by the Total Probability Theorem, we have that:

P(accept)=yP(acceptY=y)×P(Y=y)=yf(y)cg(y)×g(y)=1c.P(accept) = \sum_y P(accept|Y=y)\times P(Y=y) = \sum_y \frac{f(y)}{cg(y)}\times g(y) = \frac{1}{c}.

Therefore, by the acceptance and rejection method we accept the occurrence of $Y$ as being an occurrence of XX with probability 1/c1/c. In addition, by Bayes' Theorem, we have that

P(Y=yaccept)=P(acceptY=y)×g(y)P(accept)=[f(y)/cg(y)]×g(y)1/c=f(y).P(Y = y | accept) = \frac{P(accept|Y = y)\times g(y)}{P(accept)} = \frac{[f(y)/cg(y)] \times g(y)}{1/c} = f(y).

The result above shows that accepting x=yx = y by the procedure of the algorithm is equivalent to accepting a value from XX that has pf ff.

The argument c = NULL is the default. Thus, the function accept_reject() estimates the value of c using the optimization algorithm optimize() using the Brent method. For more details, see optimize() function. If a value of c is provided, the function accept_reject() will use this value to generate the random observations. An inappropriate choice of c can lead to low efficiency of the acceptance and rejection method.

In Unix-based operating systems, the function accept_reject() can be executed in parallel. To do this, simply set the argument parallel = TRUE. The function accept_reject() utilizes the parallel::mclapply() function to execute the acceptance and rejection method in parallel. On Windows operating systems, the code will not be parallelized even if parallel = TRUE is set.

For the continuous case, a base density function can be used, where the arguments f_base, random_base and args_f_base need to be passed. If at least one of them is NULL, the function will assume a uniform density function over the interval xlim.

For the discrete case, the arguments f_base, random_base and args_f_base should be NULL, and if they are passed, they will be disregarded, as for the discrete case, the discrete uniform distribution will always be considered as the base. Sampling from the discrete uniform distribution has shown good performance for the discrete case.

The advantage of using parallelism in Unix-based systems is relative and should be tested for each case. Significant improvement is observed when considering parallelism for very large values of n. It is advisable to conduct benchmarking studies to evaluate the efficiency of parallelism in a practical situation.


A vector of random numbers generated using the acceptance-rejection method. The return is an object of ⁠class accept_reject⁠, but it can be treated as an atomic vector.


BISHOP, Christopher. 11.4: Slice sampling. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Springer, 2006.

Brent, R. (1973) Algorithms for Minimization without Derivatives. Englewood Cliffs N.J.: Prentice-Hall.

CASELLA, George; ROBERT, Christian P.; WELLS, Martin T. Generalized accept-reject sampling schemes. Lecture Notes-Monograph Series, p. 342-347, 2004.

NEUMANN V (1951). “Various techniques used in connection with random digits.” Notes by GE Forsythe, pp. 36–38.

NEAL, Radford M. Slice sampling. The Annals of Statistics, v. 31, n. 3, p. 705-767, 2003.

See Also

inspect(), plot.accept_reject(), qqplot.accept_reject(), parallel::mclapply() and optimize().


set.seed(0) # setting a seed for reproducibility

x <- accept_reject(
  n = 2000L,
  f = dbinom,
  continuous = FALSE,
  args_f = list(size = 5, prob = 0.5),
  xlim = c(0, 5)

y <- accept_reject(
  n = 1000L,
  f = dnorm,
  continuous = TRUE,
  args_f = list(mean = 0, sd = 1),
  xlim = c(-4, 4)

Inspecting the theoretical density with the base density


Inspect the probability density function used as the base with the theoretical density function from which observations are desired.


  c = 1,
  alpha = 0.4,
  color_intersection = "#BB9FC9",
  color_f = "#F890C2",
  color_f_base = "#7BBDB3"



Theoretical density function.


List of arguments for the theoretical density function.


Base density function.


List of arguments for the base density function.


The range of the x-axis.


A constant that covers the base density function, with c1c \geq 1. The default value is 1.


The transparency of the base density function. The default value is 0.4


Color of the intersection between the base density function and theoretical density functions.


Color of the base density function.


Color of the theoretical density function.


The function inspect() returns an object of the gg and ggplot class that compares the probability density of two functions and is not useful for the discrete case, only for the continuous one. Finding the parameters of the base distribution that best approximate the theoretical distribution and the smallest value of c that can cover the base distribution is a great strategy. Something important to note is that the plot provides the value of the area of intersection between the theoretical probability density function we want to generate observations from and the probability density function used as the base. It's desirable for this value to be as close to 1 as possible, ideally

  1. When the intersection area between the probability density functions is 1, it means that the base probability density function passed to the f_base argument overlaps the theoretical density function passed to the f argument. This is crucial in the acceptance-rejection method. However, even if you don't use the inspect() function to find a suitable distribution, by finding viable args_base (list of arguments passed to f_base) and the value of c so that the intersection area is 1, the accept_reject() function already does this for you. The inspect() function is helpful for finding a suitable base distribution, which increases the probability of acceptance, further reducing computational cost. Therefore, inspecting is a good practice.

If you use the accept_reject() function, even with parallelism enabled by specifying parallel = TRUE in accept_reject() and find that the generation time is high for your needs, consider inspecting the base distribution.


An object of the gg and ggplot class comparing the theoretical density function with the base density function. The object shows the compared density functions, the intersection area between them, and the value of the area.

See Also

accept_reject(), print.accept_reject() and plot.accept_reject().


# Considering c = 1 (default)
   f = dweibull,
   f_base = dgamma,
   xlim = c(0,5),
   args_f = list(shape = 2, scale = 1),
   args_f_base = list(shape = 2.1, rate = 2),
   c = 1

# Considering c = 1.35.
   f = dweibull,
   f_base = dgamma,
   xlim = c(0,5),
   args_f = list(shape = 2, scale = 1),
   args_f_base = list(shape = 2.1, rate = 2),
   c = 1.35

# Plotting f equal to f_base. This would be the best-case scenario, which,
# in practice, is unlikely.
   f = dgamma,
   f_base = dgamma,
   xlim = c(0,5),
   args_f = list(shape = 2.1, rate = 2),
   args_f_base = list(shape = 2.1, rate = 2),
   c = 1

Plot Accept-Reject


Inspects the probability function (discrete case) or probability density (continuous case) by comparing the theoretical case with the observed one.


## S3 method for class 'accept_reject'
  color_observed_density = "#BB9FC9",
  color_true_density = "#F890C2",
  color_bar = "#BB9FC9",
  color_observable_point = "#7BBDB3",
  color_real_point = "#F890C2",
  alpha = 0.3,
  hist = TRUE,



An object of class ⁠accept reject⁠


Observed density color (continuous case).


True histogram density color (continuous case)


Bar chart fill color (discrete case)


Color of generated points (discrete case)


Color of real probability points (discrete case)


Bar chart transparency (discrete case) and observed density (continuous case)


If TRUE, a histogram will be plotted in the continuous case, comparing the theoretical density with the observed one. If FALSE, ggplot2::geom_density() will be used instead of the histogram.


Additional arguments.


The function plot.accept_reject() is responsible for plotting the probability function (in the discrete case) or the probability density (in the continuous case), comparing the theoretical case with the observed one. It is useful, therefore, for inspecting the quality of the samples generated by the acceptance-rejection method. The returned plot is an object of classes gg and ggplot. Easily, you can further customize the plot.

The function plot.accept_reject(), or simply plot(), constructs the plot for inspection and expects an object of class accept_reject as an argument.


An object of class gg and ggplot from the package ggplot2. The function plot.accept_reject() expects an object of class accept_reject as an argument.

See Also

accept_reject() and print.accept_reject().


x <- accept_reject(
   n = 1000L,
   f = dbinom,
   continuous = FALSE,
   args_f = list(size = 10, prob = 0.5),
   xlim = c(0, 10)

y <- accept_reject(
  n = 500L,
  f = dnorm,
  continuous = TRUE,
  args_f = list(mean = 0, sd = 1),
  xlim = c(-4, 4)

Print method for accept_reject objects


Print method for accept_reject objects.


## S3 method for class 'accept_reject'
print(x, n_min = 10L, ...)



An accept_reject object.


Minimum number of observations to print.


Additional arguments.


The function print.accept_reject() is responsible for printing an object of class accept_reject in a formatted manner, providing some information about the accept_reject object, including the number of observations, the value of the constant cc that maximizes acceptance, and the acceptance probability 1/c1/c. Additionally, it prints the first generated observations. The function print.accept_reject() delivers formatted output when executing an object of class accept_reject in the console or when executing the function print() on an object of class accept_reject, returned by the function accept_reject().


An object of class character, providing a formatted output with some information about the accept_reject object, including the number of observations, the value of the constant cc that maximizes acceptance, and the acceptance probability 1/c1/c. Additionally, it prints the first generated observations. The function print.accept_reject() enables formatting when executing an object of class 'accept_reject' in the console or when executing the function print() on an object of class accept_reject, returned by the function accept_reject().

See Also

accept_reject() and plot.accept_reject().


set.seed(0) # setting a seed for reproducibility
x = accept_reject(
   n = 2000L,
   f = dbinom,
   continuous = FALSE,
   args_f = list(size = 10, prob = 0.5),
   xlim = c(0, 10)

QQ-Plot QQ-Plot between observed quantiles and theoretical quantiles.


QQ-Plot QQ-Plot between observed quantiles and theoretical quantiles.


qqplot(x, ...)



Object of the class accept_reject returned by the function accept_reject().


Additional arguments to be passed to methods.


Generic method to plot the QQ-Plot between observed quantiles and theoretical quantiles. The generic method will call the specific method qqplot.accept_reject(), which operates on objects of class accept_reject returned by the function accept_reject().


An object of classes gg and ggplot with the QQ-Plot of theoretical quantiles versus observed quantiles.

See Also

accept_reject(), print.accept_reject(), plot.accept_reject() and inspect().

QQ-Plot Plot the QQ-Plot between observed quantiles and theoretical quantiles.


QQ-Plot Plot the QQ-Plot between observed quantiles and theoretical quantiles.


## S3 method for class 'accept_reject'
  alpha = 0.5,
  color_points = "#F890C2",
  color_line = "#BB9FC9",
  size_points = 1,
  size_line = 1,



Object of the class accept_reject returned by the function accept_reject().


Transparency of the points and reference line representing where the quantiles should be (theoretical quantiles).


Color of the points (default is "#F890C2").


Color of the reference line (detault is "#BB9FC9").


Size of the points (default is 1).


Thickness of the reference line (default is 1).


Additional arguments for the quantile() function. For instance, it's possible to change the algorithm type for quantile calculation.


The function qqplot.accept_reject() for samples larger than ten thousand, the geom_scattermost() function from the scattermore library is used to plot the points, as it is more efficient than geom_point() from the ggplot2 library.


An object of classes gg and ggplot with the QQ-Plot between the observed quantiles generated by the return of the function accept_reject() and the theoretical quantiles of the true distribution.

See Also

qqplot.accept_reject(), accept_reject(), plot.accept_reject(), inspect() and qqplot().


set.seed(0) # setting a seed for reproducibility

x <- accept_reject(
  n = 2000L,
  f = dbinom,
  continuous = FALSE,
  args_f = list(size = 5, prob = 0.5),
  xlim = c(0, 5)

y <- accept_reject(
  n = 1000L,
  f = dnorm,
  continuous = TRUE,
  args_f = list(mean = 0, sd = 1),
  xlim = c(-4, 4)